Das Logo der Zeitschrift: Lutheran Quarterly

Die Buchstaben des Mottos werden auf die vier QUARTERS des Kreuzes verteilt.

Startseite des Facebookeintrags von Lutheran quarterly:

Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum (1.Peter 1.25)
adoptet as motto by Luther`s movement:
The Word of the Lord Remains Forever

Dieses Logo wurde im englischsprachigen Raum von vielen Gemeinden übernommen bzw. modifiziert. Im Internet findet man viele Varianten:

                                                                                                                             Artwork designed by

Studienbibel von Concordis publishing
z.B unter

z.B.unter www.ecclesiastical.sewing.com

als Tattoo

We are richly blessed to have been gifted with a beautiful banner for our Reformation 500 commemoration! This banner was designed and crafted by Nancy Schultz of Catalina Lutheran Church, Tucson AZ. Mrs. Schultz has tremendous experience and expertise in liturgical banner design; among her recent works is a banner which was designed for the dedication of the International Lutheran Center at the Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany. Mrs. Schultz’ banners are invaluable teaching tools and this one is no exception! The center of the banner highlights our theme with the clause “Freed in Christ” represented by the Crucifix on Luther Rose taken from the Missouri Synod Reformation 500 logo. The theme is framed by the “Motto of the Lutheran Reformation”: Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum (The Word of the Lord Endures Forever, 1 Peter 1:25), a “confident expression of the enduring power and authority of God’s Word.” The “V D M A” Cross logo was used widely by Reformation-era Lutheran laity as they “struggled to defend their beliefs, communities, families and lives against those who were intent on destroying them.”